Monday, March 22, 2010

Just a Start

March 22, 2010

To an audience I do not know,

I told myself that today I would not turn on my laptop and where do I find myself now, sitting, a minute away from 12:00 AM, typing away at the keys, and listening to Jamie Cullum. A low fan in the background makes a comfortable sound in the background of my childhood room. This may not evoke much out of me on a normal night but tonight I feel like starting something new with my foggy, sleepy brain.

I had thought about starting a blog about my everyday experiences, about the little nothings that make more of an impact than major events in life. I would often bounce around in my mind how cheesy it would be to. Who would want to read about a girl struggling through Interior Design school and work, making little difference in the grand scheme of things….. but then again maybe that would be interesting.

I live a really weird life. Born into a family full of men and a hard working mom I found myself living two different lives. I was smart but not intelligent. I played army with my brothers when I was little but always in a dress. I was the girl that loved to cook and talk constantly with my mom but also found myself happy to be alone for hours on end sketching floor plans and children’s stories. I’m a girl that has a polite personality but a wicked sense of humor. I crave action but am more than accident prone.

How is it that a girl like me is crazy clam? How do things work out for a thinker but unproductive doer? What would a design student have to offer that anyone would want to read? Do they want to hear about my funny observations of people I see or encounter? Do people want to hear about projects I’m working on in my ongoing ridiculously long career of being a Design Student?

Who know? I’ll take a small chance. This might not last long. It might last longer. However I was told by one of my bosses that, “nothing will ever happen if you don’t take a risk to succeed”.

Note the work RISK. : ( Chance of something going wrong. The danger of that injury, damage, or loss will occur.)

Okay, so that sounds about what exactly what I was thinking a blog would be but then take note of the word succeed.

Succeed: (Achieve intention)

How encouraging. But then I beg to question, what am I trying to achieve? Sure I have read many blogs on lovely lifestyles. Women and men documenting their hobbies. I see beautiful pictures of photography, backed goods, gardens, decorated spaces… get the picture.

So where does this leave me? Simply put, in a risky spot. I’m not going to take this blog very seriously nor am I going to put gushy thoughts about nothingness out there. Nobody wants to read that. I’m going to keep it simple, write about my humors life experience, projects that boggle and inspire my mind, include photographs when I can, and just have a little bit of fun with all of this.

Happy reading (I hope) to you all.


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